Everyone wants to look charismatic, attractive, and gorgeous. At times, it feels like your facial features are decreasing your beauty.
Your nose immediately grabs the attention of people. As your nose rests at the center of your beautiful face. It gives symmetry to the face and makes it look more attractive.
But it is not odd to think of a nose surgery. Many people do not find charm in their noses. Some people have a damaged nose by birth or due to an accident. Some of them have breathing issues and require nasal surgery. There can be multiple reasons to think of a rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty will make your nose look more appealing, enhancing your facial beauty and self-confidence. It is one of the most famous cosmetic surgeries.
If you are thinking of getting such surgery, this article is all set for your prior knowledge. Read it till the end to make a wise decision for your nose.
Rhino means nose, and plasty stands for surgery. So, being explained by itself, Rhinoplasty (raie-no-plas-tee) means nose surgery.
Medically, it’s called nasal reconstruction surgery. But the patients commonly call it a nose job. It is to boost nasal beauty or to resolve breathing problems.
It goes under the category of cosmetic surgery. The plastic surgeons reshape and resize the nose to get the required results.
This surgery covers all aesthetic and medical problems of the nose—the nose bumps, nostril size, nose shape, breathing issues, etc.
To your surprise, Dubai and Abu Dhabi are popular hubs for surgery nose jobs. A large number of people around the globe go for a rhinoplasty.
According to the statistics, in 2022, almost 583,909 people went through a rhinoplasty. More surprising is that almost 25% of them are men. The video meetings during COVID-19 forced them to be more conscious about their looks.
Yes, rhinoplasty has two types. The nose surgeons decide which way is better to follow. Sometimes, the surgeons use both types side-by-side.
Open Rhinoplasty:
The nose surgery performed on the outer skin of the nose is known as open rhinoplasty. The nose plastic surgeons make vertical incisions on the outer skin of the nose. This process separates the nostrils from each other. It is done for major reshaping of the nose. The open incisions give a view of the soft tissues and skin of the nose.
Closed Rhinoplasty:
The word closed itself states that it is performed inside the nose. This method is preferred to do minor reshaping and resizing. The bone and cartilage are separated from the skin to get a full view of the nose. The cartilage and bone are reshaped, resized, rearranged, or removed to get the required results.
WHY DO YOU NEED NOSE RESHAPING? (Make a clear decision!)
There can be multiple reasons to get a nose job. Some reasons are ignorable and minor. But sometimes, it is crucial to go for surgery. If you have one of the following reasons, go for the nose plastic surgery:
- By-birth nasal impairment
- Continuous blocking of one side of the nose (Rhinoplasty Deviated Septum)
- Desire to increase facial proportion and appearance
- Fractured nose due to an accident
- Enhance breathing functions
- Nose reshaping includes tip, bridge, or nostrils
- Resizing the nasal base or nostrils
Remember that you have a beautiful face. There is no need to change for people’s approval. It must be your willingness and desire to get nose surgery.
There are various techniques that nasal surgeons use for wide-nose rhinoplasty. The surgeon studies your case in detail and selects the technique to be used.
1. Bulbous Tip Nose Job (Tiplasty):
Bulbous tip nose Job or Tiplasty is a specialized technique for a big wide nose. People with enlarged, doom-shaped noses have bulbous nasal tips. In Tiplasty, the lower lateral cartilage of the nose is reshaped and resized.
It reduces the size of the nostrils. The nose tip becomes slim and smooth. It gives you an aesthetic nose that makes your face more attractive. It is also named as cartilage reduction.
2. Alar Base Reduction:
The alar base is where cheeks, nostrils, and lips join. It can make the nostrils look wide. It is a nose slimming technique that removes excess tissues from the alar base. The overall form of the nose and face becomes more gorgeous.
3. Osteotomy:
Another name used for osteotomy is nasal bone reshaping. In this technique, the nose plastic surgeon breaks the upper nasal bones into small pieces. These pieces are rearranged to narrow the undefined nose bridge.
The surgeon can remove excess bone from the mid and outer sections too. The part of the nasal bone, to be removed, is selected according to the need. This technique can be open or closed rhinoplasty.
4. Septoplasty:
The nasal septum is the middle line between the nostrils. It consists of cartilage and bone. A deviated nasal septum can cause breathing troubles.
It also gives a wider appearance to the nose. The septoplasty technique is nose reshaping at the septum. It can enhance the shape and breathing power of the nose.
5. Non-Surgical Method of Nose Fillers Dubai:
Dermal fillers are used to make skillful changes to reshape the nose. This method is also called a “Liquid Nose Job”. It works like a camouflage. The bumps of the nose can disappear with this technique. It is a temporary method.
It makes the nose look straighter and narrower. It lasts for six to twenty-four months only, with follow-up checkups. Another way is to use makeup. Contouring can give a slim look to the nose. It is the least effective and temporary way.
It is a safe and outpatient surgery. But like all surgeries, nose surgery also considers some health factors and has some requirements.
- You are a grown-up with good health.
- You are a non-smoker.
- You have enough knowledge about your decision.
- You know the limitations and aftermaths.
- You get the thought, sketch, or picture of your desired nose.
- You bring your medical record and current medical prescription.
- You realize there is no guarantee of 100% results.
- You accept that most of us have asymmetric faces.
- There is a chance that you may need a second surgery.
Risks and benefits go side-by-side. Where rhinoplasty makes an appearance and breathing better, it has risks too. However, these risks are not long-lasting and chronic.
- Surgical scars
- Bleeding from the nose
- Unsatisfactory results
- Septal perforation; hole between both sides of the nose
- Infection around the nose
- Breathing problems, and numbness for a short time
- Swelling, bruising, pain, and discoloration of the skin for a long time
- Anaesthesia reaction
- Affected sense of smell
- Need for an extra nose correction surgery
(You will need a day off!)
This outpatient nose surgery takes only 1.5 to 3 hours. Then you are free to go home on the same day. Your nasal surgeon will put splints on the inside or outside of your nose.
Have a look at the whole procedure.
Pre-Surgical Care:
You should have a detailed conversation with your nose surgeon. To fully understand the upcoming results, see 2-D or 3-D models of your desired nose. You must bring someone from friends or family with you to take you back home.
Nose job Dubai costs you to stop taking caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, etc., a week before surgery. Do not even use home remedies or herbal remedies. The reason is to avoid nose bleeding, and stop taking ibuprofen and other blood-thickening medicines 2-weeks before surgery.
You need to take a bath and wear comfortable clothes before coming to the hospital. Because you will not be able to go under the shower for almost 2-3 days.
Once you have made up your mind about rhinoplasty, you should visit a nose plastic surgeon. Bring your prior medical history and current medical prescriptions (if any).
Give a physical exam for more clarity of the situation. Breathing power, bone, cartilage, and skin of the nose are examined to make better decisions.
Ensure to take an image, sketch, model, or piece of thought of your fantasized nose. It will make things easier for you and the surgeon to negotiate.
Discuss your expectations with the surgeon, remembering it is not necessary to have a 100% perfect aesthetic nose.
Do not take pain relief medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen two weeks before and after the surgery. These medicines thicken the blood and can cause nose bleeding.
Do not even use home remedies or herbal remedies. Also, you have to stop smoking and vaping (if you do). It slows down the healing process and causes breathing problems.
Listen to the surgeon’s advice carefully. Understand all the benefits, risks, and limitations of surgery.
When the above matters settle out, the next step is rhinoplasty. You will get anesthesia first.
It can be general anesthesia that will make your mind and body fall asleep. Or it can be local anesthesia that numbs your nose only.
There are two types of rhinoplasty. The incisions can be made inside your nostrils (closed rhinoplasty). In the other way, incisions are made outside the nostrils, with the base of the nose (open rhinoplasty).
It is the rhinoplasty specialist’s choice to use one or both ways. Do not worry because these cuts heal and become invisible with time.
The surgeons can get additional cartilage from the nasal septum (the wall between both sides of the nose). The second option is from the ears and ribs. But it will leave scars.
They put splints inside or outside the nose to maintain the shape and size. You are recommended to wear the splints for a week or two.
Some cases require revision surgery. It will be scheduled based on the results from the first surgery.
Avoid self-driving and walking back home. It is recommended to bring anyone from family or friends.
Because after surgery, you will be dizzy and forgetful for a day or two. Ask that person to stay with you at night.
Your nose will swell after surgery. The eyes, nose and face can have bruises because of using splints. It can be awkward to go in a social setting for a month or two.
The bruises will fade out soon. But morning swelling can last for four to six months. Every person recovers at a varied rate.
Doctors suggest not to wear glasses, do exercise, and swim for at least a month. It is also forbidden to pick up heavy loads.
Sleeping on the sides and face down is not good after rhinoplasty. Small damage to any part of the cartilage or bone can have a big effect on surgical outcomes.
In the early few weeks, it is preferred to breathe, cough, and sneeze with your mouth. Try not to do that hard. It can harm the cuts and fragile parts of the nose.
On average, it takes almost one year to get the real results. Mild swelling can last for 12 months. After that, it is decided whether a secondary nose fix is needed or not.
According to statistics, almost 15% of persons feel the need for secondary surgery. Again, you must recall that faces are asymmetric by nature and 100% results are not a must.
Rhinoplasty is a permanent process. It is life-lasting, if you do not undergo another one. A patient can still feel the need to visit the nose plastic surgeon. It can be in the following cases:
- Frequent nausea
- Breathing difficulty
- Any kind of infection
- Severe and long-lasting pain
- Uncontrollable nasal bleeding
The following image speaks much louder than the whole content. You can see the difference between the old and new pictures of this patient.
Look how beautiful she looks now. You can become more charismatic than her. It is your choice to select your nose. You can be the next person to have a nose job done. Contact an expert nose plastic surgeon as soon as you can.
The average rhinoplasty cost in Dubai and Abu Dhabi is 30,000 AED. But it ranges from 15,000 AED to 70,000 AED. Even the costs vary for all patients. The costs depend on more or less work needed.
Because some of them need more care and lengthy procedures. While some need minor changes. The final cost could be calculated, by considering the medical and aesthetic demands of the patients. More work costs more, and vice versa.
You can have a rhinoplasty for a cute, elegant, and aesthetic nose. It is also good to get rid of breathing impairments and fractures.
You should consult a doctor to receive all necessary information, before surgery. The advantages, risks, and limitations should be discussed.
Everything should be done for self-pleasure. But with doctor’s discretion. Following his/her advice will benefit you.
Rhinoplasty in Dubai is not very risky and costly. It is considered one of the most frequent plastic surgeries. But it is better to select an expert nose surgeon.
As you have reached the end of the article, you have got enough prior knowledge about rhinoplasty. Now it’s time to visit the doctor. Good luck!
Q. How painful is a rhinoplasty?
It varies from person to person. Some patients feel mild pain for a few days. Where some feel pain for a long time or with more severity. Most people rate it from 0 to 4 on a scale of 10. This opinion is given after surgery.
Q. Why is my drooping 10 years after rhinoplasty?
The nose is composed of soft tissues and cartilage. These tissues break down over the years, causing drooping of the nose.
Q. How long does a nose rhinoplasty last?
It is a permanent surgery. It is life-lasting until you get an additional rhinoplasty.
Q. Why is my nose still swollen 1 year after rhinoplasty?
The prolonged swelling can be due to secondary rhinoplasty or thick skin on your nose. It can be annoying but you need to be calm and peaceful.
Q. Is it halal to get a nose job?
According to Islamic scholars, improvement of a distorted and damaged part of the body is permitted.
Q. Is rhinoplasty 100% safe?
Yes, it is 100% safe and secure surgery. Dubai has been called the Middle East’s “Plastic Surgery Hub”. So, no need to get much worried. But there are some risks when done at an older age.
Q. Is Dubai good for a nose job?
Dubai is a well-known and advanced city for plastic surgeries. Nasal surgery is one of the most demanding ones. People from all over the world come to Dubai for the most advanced nose augmentation.
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